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57 check-ins using file graticules/Graticule.gpml version 23ad783f7b
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22:10 | updated link to directory as server throws an error Leaf check-in: 1f626b69a2 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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14:53 | Links to vis-rot check-in: 1b0b3c3077 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
14:49 | added converted vis-rot script and example check-in: 7afb5dd0d9 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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13:43 | updated year and links test check-in: 8c47a14232 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
13:38 | added link in readme check-in: 4e8dee72de user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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09:32 | update and links check-in: 28168d7d84 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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17:36 | more verbosity in README check-in: ab8fb38da2 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
17:22 | Testing URLs and image refs in README check-in: d24cf2f2c9 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
17:20 | Testing URLs and image refs in README check-in: 47b304b624 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
17:05 | more updates to README check-in: 8a5e2967fc user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
15:58 | updates to README check-in: 48ea681d61 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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15:48 | restored erroneously deleted line check-in: 1eb5b081df user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
15:25 | plateacronym list now sorted cardinally and some other fixes check-in: 253d417af4 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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20:50 | feedback from Merdith et al., 2020 processing check-in: 1c55a271c8 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
10:54 | ability to check for undetected and unmarked cross overs, adheres to pygplates crossover syntax and keeps that intact during conversions (e.g. @xo_yf, @xo_of etc) and paleoGIS output option now automagically adjustes the crossovers to be 0.001 Myr younger. check-in: 5c7b04708f user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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17:52 | Crossovers now detected with young and old ends and stage rotation sequence modified. Amendments to documentation. check-in: 56b8128a12 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
16:13 | first inroads to xover detection using simple list check-in: 6dc769bb58 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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12:07 | minor changes prior to adding crossover fix for paleogis check-in: 41d8befddc user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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22:31 | updated url after repos/server move check-in: 2564cd8b2e user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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22:16 | minor edits check-in: 5cfba41e35 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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09:42 | commented out some lines check-in: 495367303d user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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09:11 | fixed mprs metadata bug which overwrote mprs comments in the reference rotation input file during reading check-in: 8880a1c352 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
00:19 | fixed plate pair in mprs header check-in: fccbceeaf7 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
00:04 | more code cleaning. resolved some of the earlier xover issues when crossover occurred at the split time between input files. Cleaned up bib section part and parsing. Fixed parsing and formatting of multiple comment metadata entries. check-in: db01be8236 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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22:35 | added option for output file naming in grotcat. Added writing out first header dictionary which was read in. Some space cleanup. check-in: 4011bcb170 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
20:48 | some whitespace cleanup in all parts, added Merdith et al. Neoprot rotation file for testing script check-in: 71f2070729 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
19:46 | updates to index wiki spage check-in: 7bcee27f8f user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
19:41 | modified index page check-in: 478135c393 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
19:38 | fixed conflict re bibDict check-in: 5324b5fa3f user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
17:16 | some edits for grotcat, gptools and the wiki. Updates to issues check-in: 8237d56ec3 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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09:13 | strangely had to add grotcat script check-in: 297e77473a user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
09:10 | merged grotconcat changes check-in: 7a429772e8 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
02:29 | initial working version of grotcat. Leaf check-in: be7a889e03 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
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23:12 | grotcat now reads the file, processes it mostly correctly and gets into merging stage, incl comments check-in: 4b814f8aef user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
23:09 | grotcat now reads the file, processes it mostly correctly and gets into merging stage, incl comments check-in: 2bb08f9092 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
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01:15 | Fixes [296ef33b572d228b] check-in: 86c3df06f0 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
01:09 | Added quotation marks again to MPRS header as leaving them out breaks current GPlates 2.2 grot reader capabilities. Also fixed error in the new assing_rotation_types function check-in: afcf1169a3 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
00:41 | reads grot file and processes header, comments and stage rotation data correctly. Packs file content into separate dictionaries for header, references and mprs sections check-in: 68858f0c13 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
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22:41 | file reader works now with ability to write into mprsdict. header and reference secion also reading correctly. check-in: 045f932b40 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
21:35 | working version of grot reader check-in: 371f1ea443 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
19:40 | working version of rotconv, initial version of grotcat check-in: e9b08dc61a user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
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12:47 | a few more fixes check-in: 3d4c93eac6 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
11:51 | a few more fixes check-in: 72312fe6c4 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
11:10 | fixed working version. Moved some of the final stage rotation line formatting into rotconv script for now check-in: bbfed30c3b user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
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23:51 | added test files from Matthews et al, 2016 check-in: 8420ab2804 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
23:16 | edits to and rotconv - more cleaning up, some ideas check-in: 55663d2c8f user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
22:20 | some restructuring of repos. generated gptools module and changes to rotconv check-in: 37080a0720 user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
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00:35 | New branch for testing new fonctionality to concatenate grot files consistently. check-in: 2f8741224d user: christian tags: grotconcat | |
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17:22 | short doc check-in: 54bd78494a user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
17:18 | implemented plate acronym processing and geo time scale tag check-in: ed17582de8 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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16:34 | added gts as attribute - draft check-in: 2d0e20ac03 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
16:03 | updates to rotconv check-in: 93aa4d698b user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
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23:51 | re-arranged index check-in: 11433e60a6 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
23:48 | more updates to rotconv doc check-in: 69c87ddd65 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
23:24 | moved original doc content check-in: 09f7c5a0d2 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
23:04 | minor typo fixes check-in: 2f3de01d03 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |
23:01 | edits to links and text check-in: e428ca2132 user: christian tags: master, trunk | |