File from the latest check-in

#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# encoding: utf-8
from __future__ import print_function, division
__doc__ = """

Parses and reformats plate model rotation files. Needs one input file. Output will be
located in the same directory as input file and named <input>_formatted.rot

Default modus operandi is to convert existing *.rot files to the new *.grot format.

   convert from *.dbf (PaleoGIS export) to *.grot (or *.rot)
   convert from *.grot/*.rot to *.dbf (for PaleoGIS import)

    The Python DBF module:


__author__ = "Christian Heine;"
__license__ = """ -- gptools Python scripts for GPlates
    Copyright (C) 2020 Christian Heine,
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) Christian Heine, 2009-2021."

#--- Global fixmes and todos
# TODO Set up optparse properly
# TODO use dbfreader module as this will work with py3 and is maintained currently.
# TODO:  report: authors, number of plates, plateIDs, plate stats as json/csv - acronyms, names, ids. Minage pole, maxage pole
#        plates without names, plates without
#        number of crossovers
#        plates with fixme data.
#  collisions of acronyms

# =========================================================================== #
# --- Import modules
# =========================================================================== #

from gptools import *
import argparse
from decimal import *
import sys
import os
import os.path
# from string import Template

# =========================================================================== #
# --- Set up command line options
# =========================================================================== #

__usage__ = "usage: %prog [options] inputfile"

# parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="filename",
                  # help="write report to FILE", metavar="FILE")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(  )
# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage=__usage__, version=__version__ )

parser.add_argument( "-v", "-V", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="VERBOSE", default=False,
                    help="make lots of noise [false]" )

parser.add_argument( 'infile', type=argparse.FileType('r') )

#--- Output format options
parser.add_argument( "-o", "--outformat",  # action="store_true",
                    metavar="outputFormat", dest="outformat", default="GROT",
                    help="""Chose from the following output format options: 
- GROT [default], 
- ROT [PLATES rotationfile format], 
- PGIS [PaleoGIS-compatible ROT, adjusted crossovers]""" )

# TODO Add option to write dbf file for PaleoGIS. Check out Pyobdc.

parser.add_argument( "-m", "--platemodel",
                    help="Provide the plate model name, in case this is not specified in the file" )

parser.add_argument( "-s", "--startage",
                    metavar="startage", dest="ageFilterOld", default=4000,
                    help="""Oldest age for moving plate rotation sequence. This parameter can be
used for age-based filtering of rotation files. Setting this to 200 for example would
result in all MPRS sequences being truncated at ages younger than 200 Million years.
""" )

parser.add_argument( "-r", "--refkey",
                    metavar="refKey", dest="referenceKey", default="PlateModelNotSpecified",
                    help="""Provide a regular expression which characterises your reference key systematics.
This will help to dramatically increase the hit rate in case you've used some
systematic encoding of citation keys.
""" )

# parser.add_argument("-u", "--user_model",
#                     action="store_const", dest="dataModel", const=4,
#                     help="Supply a list of : "
#                     "# REFNO, LPlateID, RPlateID, PlateID, Type, FromAge, Toage, Code, Name")
# #TODO: Think about how this needs to be done. Ideally this needs to be a dictionary. Maybe interactive specification?

# parser.add_argument("-r", "--rotation_file",
#                     metavar="ROTFILE", help="Basename of the GPlates exported rotation parameters for time slices")

# parser.add_argument("-t", "--time",
#                     metavar="reconTime", help="Time of reconstruction"),
args  = parser.parse_args()

global VERBOSE 
global PLATEMODEL # make sure that this is available in the modules as well.

OUTFILEFORMAT = args.outformat
# PLATEMODEL = args.plateModel

def main():
    """docstring for main"""
    #--- Set precision
    getcontext().prec = 6
    # print( sys.argv[1:] ) # argv[0] is the script name
    if not sys.argv[ 1: ]:
        print( __doc__ )
        sys.exit( "No input file specified!\n-----------------------------" )
    #--- Check input
    # try:
    #    isFile = os.path.isfile( sys.argv[ 1:] )
    # except:
    #     print( __doc__ )
    #     sys.exit( "Input specified is not a file!\n-----------------------------" )
    infileBaseName = sys.argv[ 1 ]
    print( "--- Input file: ", infileBaseName )
    #--- Lists to hold errors re non-0Ma zero rotations and future rotations
    #--- and replaced ones due to PaleoGIS rot file hierarchy.
    zeroRotations = []
    futureRotations = []
    replacedRotations = []
    inputRawRotDict = {}
    inputPIDList = []
    plateAcronyms = {}
    if sys.argv[ 1 ].endswith( '.dbf' ):
        out = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_formatted.grot"
        outfile = open(out, 'w')
        err = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_errors.out"
        errorfile = open( err, 'w' )
        plateacronyms = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_plateacronyms.csv"
        #--- Read dbf records and extract field names ---#
        dbfRecords = dbf.Table( sys.argv[ 1 ] )
        dbfFieldNames = dbfRecords.field_names
        print( dbfFieldNames )
        entryID = 0
        for record in dbfRecords:
            entryID += 1
            inputRawRotDict[ entryID ] = readDBF( dbfFieldNames, record, errorfile )
        # print( entryID )
        # TODO one could envisage a case where we use the GPlates layer connections to link mother and daughter files.
        #      in this case it would mean that the rotations which are doubled up are taken out of the mother file.
        if infileBaseName.split( '_' )[2].lower()  == 'global':
            print( "--- looks as this file is da motha of all rotations..." )
            parentRot = False
        # elif infileBaseName.split( '_' )[2].lower()  == 'global' and parentless:
        #     print "--- Found parent rotation but for now we're just processing the input file"
        #     parentRot = False
            print( "\n--- Will be looking for a global rotation file." )
            print( "--- Loose convention is T_ROT_GLOBAL as name" )
                parentRotFile = infileBaseName.replace( infileBaseName.split( '_')[2], 'Global' )
                # motherRotFile = glob.glob( '[Gg][Ll][Oo][Bb][Aa][Ll] ')
                print( "--- Found parent rotation file: ", parentRotFile )
                print( "--- Do you want to merge parent and child rotation files? [y/n]" )
                ans = input()
                # print ans
                if ans == 'y':
                    parentless = False
                    parentRot = True
                elif ans == 'n':
                    parentless = True
                    parentRot = False
                    print( "Please chose yes (y) or no (n)" )
                if not parentless:
                    parentRawRotDict = {}
                    parentPIDList = []
                    dbfRecordsParent = dbf.Table( parentRotFile + '.dbf' )
                    dbfFieldNamesParent = dbfRecordsParent.field_names
                    entryID = 0
                    for record in dbfRecordsParent:
                        entryID += 1
                        parentRawRotDict[ entryID ] = readDBF( dbfFieldNamesParent, record, errorfile )
                    #--- OUTPUT FILE NAMING
                    out = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_merged.grot"
                    outfile = open(out, 'w')
                    err = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_merged_errors.out"
                    errorfile = open( err, 'w' )
                print( "--- No main rotation file found. Processing just the input file." )
                parentRot = False

    #--- TODO: Simplify, should use the same routines as the one above.
        print( "\n --- Processing rot/grot file(s) --- ")
        #-- for now we disable this
        parentRot = False
        input_file = open( sys.argv[ 1 ], 'r' )
        rotLines = input_file.readlines()
        # TODO write routine for automatic output file name generation in different case
        if OUTFILEFORMAT == "GROT":
            out = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_formatted.grot"
        elif OUTFILEFORMAT == "PGIS":
            out = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_PaleoGIS.rot"
        elif OUTFILEFORMAT == "ROT":
            out = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_formatted.rot"
        outfile = open(out, 'w')
        err = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_errors.out"
        errorfile = open( err, 'w' )
        plateacronyms = infileBaseName[:-4] + "_plateacronyms.csv"
        # acronymfile = open( plateacros, 'w' )

        entryID = 0        
        for line in rotLines:
            entryID += 1
            inputRawRotDict[ entryID ] = readROT( line )

    #--- Isolate the unique plate IDs using a set.
    print( "\n --- Generating list of unique plate ids from input rotation file" )
    for elem in inputRawRotDict:
        # print elem, int( Decimal( inputRawRotDict[ elem ][ 0 ] ) )
        inputPIDList.append( int( Decimal( inputRawRotDict[ elem ][ 0 ] ) ) )
    uniquePIDsInput = set( inputPIDList )
    print( )
    print( "-"*80)
    print( "--- Unique parent PIDs")
    print( uniquePIDsInput)
    if parentRot:
        print( "\n --- Generating list of unique plate ids from parent rotation file" )
        for elem in parentRawRotDict:
            parentPIDList.append( int( Decimal( parentRawRotDict[ elem ][ 0 ] ) ) )
        uniquePIDsParent = set( parentPIDList )
        print( "-"*80)
        print( "--- Unique parent PIDs")
        print( uniquePIDsParent)
        print( )
    #--- IN CASE OF PARENT ROTATION FILE: Find the overlapping PlateIDs
    #--- TODO: is this necessary for rot and grot files?
    if parentRot:
        symdiffPlateIDs = uniquePIDsInput.symmetric_difference( uniquePIDsParent )
        intersectionPlateIDs = uniquePIDsInput.intersection( uniquePIDsParent )
        print( "\n--- The following plate IDs are in the global AND daughter rotation file table (INTERSECTION): ")
        print( intersectionPlateIDs)
        print( "\n--- The overlapping PlateIDs in the global file will be replaced...")
    #--- Reformat to plateid controlled blocks and sort ascending
    #--- This requires autovivification (see class above) as we're dynamically
    #--- altering and creating dictionary items.
    #--- See:
    infilePlateIdDict, mprsDict, bibDict = generatePlateIdDict( inputRawRotDict, uniquePIDsInput, majorPlateIDsDict, VERBOSE )
    if parentRot:
        parentPlateIdDict, bibDict =  generatePlateIdDict( parentRawRotDict, uniquePIDsParent, majorPlateIDsDict, VERBOSE )
    # print( len(infilePlateIdDict) )
    # print len(infilePlateIdDict[101])
    # print( infilePlateIdDict.keys() )
    # print( infilePlateIdDict[206] )
    # print( bibDict )
    # sys.exit(0)
    #--- Write GROT header to outfile
    outfile.write( outputReporting.makeHeader( infileBaseName, OUTFILEFORMAT ) )
    #--- LOOP OVER plateIDList and write to a new outfile                  ---#
    #--- Loop over dictionary data for sorted plate ids.
    if parentRot:
        plateIDList = list( uniquePIDsParent )
        print( "\n--- Using the parent rotation file")
        plateIDList = list( uniquePIDsInput )
    #--- Sort all available PlateIDs in place
    # plateIDList.sort()
    # print(plateIDList)
    #--- Generate a new list of PIDs which is sorted by cardinality for the PLateIDs > 100
    #--- because the Hotspots/abs ref should always come first
    absRefPIDs = sorted( i for i in plateIDList if i < 100 )
    cardinalPIDList0 = [ i for i in plateIDList if i >= 100 ]
    cardinalPIDList1 = list( map(str, cardinalPIDList0) )
    if VERBOSE:
    newPIDList = absRefPIDs + list( map(int, cardinalPIDList1) )
    if VERBOSE:
        print("=" * 80)
        print("= PlateID list in shortlex: ")
    #--- Print the moving plate rotation sequence dictionary - containing all mprs'
    #--- and comment data
    if VERBOSE:
        print("PLATEID", mprsDict) # infilePlateIdDict
    if VERBOSE:
        print( "="*79,"\n" )
        print("--> List of unique PlateIDs in this rotation file: ")
        print( plateIDList )
        print( "="*79,"\n" )
    #--- TMP
    # print("TEST:")
    # for stg in infilePlateIdDict[201]:
    #     print( stg[ 0 ], stg[4] )

    #--- Process individual Moving plate rotation sequences contained
    #--- in the plateID list and analyse/reformat data
    # for PlateID1 in plateIDList:
    # FIXME Turn this into a function
    for PlateID1 in newPIDList:
        print( "===> PlateID1: ", PlateID1 )
        if parentRot:
            if PlateID1 in intersectionPlateIDs:
                print( "  -> Using rotations from %s" % infileBaseName )
                plateIdDict = infilePlateIdDict
                replacedRotations.append("Replaced rotation in global with input file | " + str( PlateID1 ) + "\n" )
                print( "  -> Parent rotations" )
                plateIdDict = parentPlateIdDict
            plateIdDict = infilePlateIdDict
            # print( len(plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ] ) )
        # pprint( plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ] )
        # pprint( mprsDict[ PlateID1 ] )
        # stagesSeqList = list( map( Decimal, plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ].keys() ) )
        # stagesList = plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ].keys() # these are strings!
        # sorted( stageSeqList )
        # print( len(plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ]), stageSeqList )
        # sys.exit(0)
        #--- Order dictionary
        # print "3", plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ].keys()
        # orderedPlateStageDict = OrderedDict( sorted( plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ].keys(), key = lambda t: t[0])  )
        # print orderedPlateStageDict
        # stageList = []
        # for i in plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ]:
        #     stageList.append( i[0] )
        #--- Each MPRS has a list of stage rotations.
        #--- Sort those in place and process. - This is the part which screws up the 
        #--- crossovers.
        stageList = plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ]

        # stageList.sort( key = lambda individualStages: individualStages[0] ) # this screws up the crossovers when enabled!
        # print("==================\n stageList")
        # print( stageList )
        #--- Find and extract inactive rotations
        # inactiveRotations = stageList.find( key = lambda individualStages: individualStages[-1] )
        # print(inactiveRotations)
        # sys.exit(0)
        # print(mprsDict)
        # print(plateIdDict)
            # print("try- mplatecode", mprsDict[ PlateID1 ])
            mPlateCode = mprsDict[ PlateID1 ][ "MPRS:code" ]
        except KeyError:
            # print("except- mplatecode", plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ][ 0 ][ 5 ])
            mPlateCode = plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ][ 0 ][ 5 ][ 2 ]
            mPlateName = mprsDict[ PlateID1 ][ "MPRS:name" ]
        except KeyError:
            mPlateName = 'FIXME'
            fPlateCode = mprsDict[ PlateID1 ][ "FPID:code" ]
        except KeyError:
            fPlateCode = plateIdDict[ PlateID1 ][ 0 ][ 5 ][ 3 ]
        movPlateRotSequence = format_mprs_header( OUTFILEFORMAT, PlateID1, mPlateCode, mPlateName, fPlateCode )
        if OUTFILEFORMAT == "GROT":
            outfile.write( movPlateRotSequence )
        if VERBOSE:
            print( movPlateRotSequence )
        #--- Detect xovers and correct entry in stageList if necessary
        detect_xover( stageList, PlateID1)
        #--- Loop over individual, sorted stage rotations for a single plateID
        for stage in stageList : #

            # method stagerot
            # cast list items from dict into specific format - rot or grot and spit back out
            # cater for scenario w/o
            # expansion of variables ust take whatever is there and if it is there cast it
            if VERBOSE:
                print( "    Stage rotation age:", stage[0] )
                print( "    Stage:", stage)
                print( "    ", "-"*60)
            #--- Stage rotation attributes including comment dictionary
            # FIXME: This all needs to go back into a class  - example:
            Age = stage[ 0 ]
            Lat = stage[ 1 ]
            Lon = stage[ 2 ]
            Angle = stage[ 3 ]
            PlateID2 = stage[ 4 ]
            stageRotationCommentDict = stage[ 5 ] # dictionary of comment metadata
            rotationSource = stage[ 6 ]
            rotationInactive = stage[ 7 ]
            #--- Output option PaleoGIS/PaleoPRO requires adjusting the crossovers
            print(" Stagerot comment dict:", stageRotationCommentDict)
            if OUTFILEFORMAT == "PGIS" and "XOVER" in stageRotationCommentDict:
                Age = paleogis_adjust_crossover_age( Age )
            #--- Formatting
            # pid1out  = str( PlateID1 ).ljust( 8 )     # TODO: adjust for max permissible plateID Length in GPlates
            # ageout   = str( "%.5f" % Age   ).rjust( 10 )
            # latout   = str( "%.5f" % Lat   ).rjust( 9 )
            # lonout   = str( "%.5f" % Lon   ).rjust( 10 )
            # angleout = str( "%.5f" % Angle ).rjust( 10 )
            # pid2out  = str( PlateID2 ).rjust( 8 )
            formattedCommentData = format_grot_mprs_comment( stageRotationCommentDict )
            formattedStageRotationData = '{0:>8}{1:11.5f}{2:10.5f}{3:11.5f}{4:11.5f}{5:>8}'.format( PlateID1, Age, Lat, Lon, Angle, PlateID2 )
            # print( formattedCommentData )
            # print( formattedStageRotationData )

            #--- Formatting the output
            if rotationInactive: # if true do not write line out - in PaleoGIS they use double negation: Inactive:true

                if OUTFILEFORMAT == "GROT":
                    formattedStageRotation =  "#" + " ".join( [formattedStageRotationData, formattedCommentData] ) + "\n"
                elif OUTFILEFORMAT == "PGIS":
                    print("Skipping inactive rotation")
                    errorfile.write("     999" + " ! ".join( [formattedStageRotationData[1:], formattedCommentData] ) )
                    # formattedStageRotation =  "     999" + " ! ".join( [formattedStageRotationData[1:], formattedCommentData] )
                else: # if false write commented line
                    print( " Skipping line" )
                    formattedStageRotation =  "999 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 999 # " + " ".join( [formattedStageRotationData, formattedCommentData] ) + "\n"
                if OUTFILEFORMAT == "GROT":
                    formattedStageRotation =  " ".join( [formattedStageRotationData, formattedCommentData] ) + "\n"
                elif OUTFILEFORMAT == "PGIS":
                    print("  PLATES4 rotation with cross overs fixed for PaleoGIS/PaleoPro")
                    formattedStageRotation =  " ! ".join( [formattedStageRotationData, formattedCommentData] ) + "\n"
                    print("  Using PLATES4 syntax")
                    formattedStageRotation =  " ! ".join( [formattedStageRotationData, formattedCommentData] ) + "\n"                
            if VERBOSE:
                print( formattedStageRotation )
            #--- Generate formatted line for output
            #    rotLineOut = RotOutput( PlateID1, float( Age ), Lat, Lon,\
            #           Angle, PlateID2, comment, au, timestmp, ref, rotationSource, rotationInactive, absage, xover, chronid, fitrec, gts)
            #    print(rotLineOut)
            #    ReformattedLine = RotOutput.format( OUTFILEFORMAT, rotLineOut) # str( )
            # #--- If there is no doi we write out everything to the line
            # else:
            #    rotLineOut = RotOutput( PlateID1, float( Age ), Lat, Lon,\
            #           Angle, PlateID2, comment, au, timestmp, ref, doi, rotationSource, rotationInactive, absage, xover, chronid, fitrec, gts) #
            #    print(rotLineOut)
            #    ReformattedLine = RotOutput.format( OUTFILEFORMAT, rotLineOut) # str( )

            #--- Testing for zero-rotations at time > 0 Ma
            if float( Age ) > 0.0 and Lat == 0.0 and Lat == 0.0 and Angle == 0.0:
                if VERBOSE:
                    print("Stage sequence %s | Zero rotation at %s Ma" % (stage, Age) )
                zeroRotations.append( "Zero rotation at %.2f Ma | " % float(Age) + formattedStageRotation )
                if VERBOSE:
                    print( formattedStageRotation )
            #--- Skip those future prediction rotation poles and finally write full 
            #--- stage pole + comments to file
            if not float( Age ) < 0.0 :
                outfile.write( formattedStageRotation )
                futureRotations.append( "Future rotation skipped | " + formattedStageRotation )
    #--- todo: instead of bib section, write out bibliography file or check against it
        outfile.write(  create_grot_bibinfo_section( bibDict ) )

        print("> Writing bibliographic info to separate file")
        with open( infileBaseName + "_PaleoGIS_Bibliography.txt", "w" ) as bibOutFile:
            bibOutFile.write( create_grot_bibinfo_section( bibDict ) )

    # outfile.write("#" + "-"*79 + "\n")
    # outfile.write("@BIBINFO:references \n")
    # # outfile.write("#" + "-"*79 + "\n")
    # # outfile.write('# {:<35}| {:<35}\n'.format('@REF', '@DOI'))
    # for ref in bibDict.keys():
    #     outfile.write("@REF {:<35} @DOI {:<35}\n".format( ref, bibDict[ ref ]) )
    #     # '# {:-<35}| {:-<40}'.format('centered', 'test')
    #     # @REF Skogseid_1993
    errorfile.write( "Rotation file errors during processing - produced by\n" )
    errorfile.write( "\n" + "=" *80 + "\n" )
    for rR in replacedRotations:
        errorfile.write( rR )
    errorfile.write( "\n" + "=" *80 + "\n" )
    for zR in zeroRotations:
        errorfile.write( zR )
    errorfile.write( "\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n" )
    for fR in futureRotations:
        errorfile.write( fR )
    errorfile.write( "\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n" )
    # print(bibDict)
    #--- Generate file with plate ID acronyms.
    print('Acronymfile', plateacronyms )
    plateAcroFile = open( plateacronyms, 'w' )
    # writePlateAcronymFile( mprsDict, acronymfile )
    plateAcroFile.write("# Dictionary of PlateIDs, acronyms and names\n")
    plateAcroFile.write("# Generated by - %s\n" % str( ) )
    # plateAcroFile.write("#---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------\n")
    for plate in cardinalPIDList1:
        intpid = int( plate )
        # plateAcroFile.write('{0},{1},{2}\n'.format( plate, mprsDict[ plate ]['MPRS:code'], mprsDict[ plate ]['MPRS:name'] ) )
        plateAcroFile.write("{:<10} {:<8} {:<50}\n".format( plate, mprsDict[ intpid ]['MPRS:code'], mprsDict[ intpid ]['MPRS:name'] ) )
    print( "Your rotation file contains %s individual plates" % len( plateIDList ))
    # print "\nReformatted all %s lines of your rotation file.\n" % len(data)
    print( "Results written to", out, "\n\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

# --- write out rot file with similar metadata.

# read file info, cast 

#--- Check polygon files.

# rot file 
# read polygon file, match on plateid. PID, Name_rot, Name_Poly, GPlatesID, FROMage, TOAGE, DESCR, ACRON, Stages,