Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2023-11-16 22:10:06.
GPlates tools script repository2023-11-16 22:10:06
- __init__.py9.75 years
- bin2.28 years
- CreateGraticule2.28 years
- gptools.py2.28 years
- graticules2.28 years
- __init__.py9.75 years
- CreateGraticuleLines.py2.28 years
- Graticule.gpml3.71 years
- GROT_Attributes.yaml3.24 years
- grotcat.py3.19 years
- LICENSE.txt3.84 years
- README.mdcurrent
- rotconv.py2.28 years
- tests3.19 years
- Global_EB_250-0Ma_GK07_Matthews_etal.rot3.24 years
- Global_EB_410-250Ma_GK07_Matthews_etal.rot3.23 years
- Neoproterozoic_1000-410_Merdith_etal_2017.rot3.19 years
- vis-rot333.3 days
- test.png333.3 days
- test_1000px.png333.3 days
- vis-rot.py333.3 days
- www2.19 years
- graticulecookiecut.png10.39 years
- graticuleplain.png10.39 years
- graticulereconstructed.png10.39 years
- graticules.md2.19 years
- index.wiki2.20 years
- rotconv.md2.35 years